31 August 2023

Renewable energy generation and biodiversity preservation 

Hydroelectric power is now as environmentally friendly as solar and wind energy. However, hydropower plants pose challenges, particularly when it comes to the migration of certain fish species. This is true for European eels and young salmon, whose migration to the sea is hampered by hydroelectric power stations on the Meuse River in Wallonia, southern Belgium.

Actemium Belgium, in collaboration with the other Life4Fish project partners, has developed a comprehensive solution to ensure a smoother migration process for fish traveling from hydropower stations to the sea.

“At Actemium, sustainability is at the core of our activities – just look at the Sustainable Energy chair we recently set up with Ghent University. Respecting and preserving our environment is a big part of that. This project is a fine example of how we not only proclaim this vision, but make it a reality in the field, with concrete solutions for our customers and partners”, says Luc Clabout, Managing Director at Actemium Belgium.

“An automated model was developed based on historical data and real-time observations, like flow rate, predicted flow and water temperature. On the basis of an automated 24-hour forecast and a number of specific parameters, operators can then make informed decisions to minimize fish mortality”, explains Jean-Christophe Cerfontaine, Branch Manager Life Sciences and Data Management at Actemium.


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