06 December 2023

INELFE Biscay Gulf Project: A new electricity link between France and Spain

The joint venture that unites operators of the Spanish (Red Eléctrica) and French (RTE) electricity transmission networks, INELFE (Electrical Interconnection France-Spain), has awarded a contract to a consortium consisting of VINCI Energies, VINCI Construction, and HITACHI Energy for the design and construction of two ground stations for the conversion of electrical energy.

30 individuals over three days! The VINCI, HITACHI Energy, and INELFE project teams are fully prepared to guarantee the triumph of the France-Spain interconnection endeavor.

They assembled for the first in-person project assessment from September 19–21 in Ludvika, Sweden. Everyone pulled together to make this big project a success.

An essential piece of infrastructure for furthering European energy and climate goals is the Biscay Gulf link.


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